Image Source SLEEPING WEEL - 6 TIPS FOR FINDING THE BEST ACCOMMODATION DEALS - Are you going on an adventure? Well, you’ll be particularly budget-conscious, then! Right now, you’re battling your bank account at the same time as fighting your bucket list , and these two things are supposed to work in harmony! Alas, they do not always work that way, but that doesn't mean that you can’t find some spectacular deals on accommodation before you go. Between the rise in travel apps and accommodation apps like PropertyGuru , finding th…
10 HEALTHY SPINE TIPS FOR SUMMER TRAVEL Vacations are usually meant to be relaxing, but traveling can cause increased stress on the body, and ultimately be a pain in the neck! The seats in airplanes, cars, trains, and buses are not always the most comfortable. With 80% of Americans suffering from back pain, the thought of a long trip can be discouraging. Luckily, the pain associated with travel can be greatly reduced, and in many cases avoided. Dr. Kenneth Hansraj , an orthopedic back surgeon, offers these healthy travel tips …
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