ACCOR JOIN GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY NETWORK, THE SUSTAINABLE HOSPITALITY ALLIANCE - Since its creation in 1967, Accor has been a pioneer in developing sustainable travel experiences and investing in innovations to enable a positive hospitality experience with a reduced environmental impact. As part of its ongoing CSR strategy, in 2011 the Group identified 21 areas of business activity where significant improvements could be made and set policies for measurable actions and goals. These include targets around reducing energy and water consumption…
TASMANIA TO BECOME A CARBON NEUTRAL DESTINATION BY 2025 - The Australian state is a genuine leader in responding to climate change and is one of only a handful of jurisdictions in the world to achieve 100 per cent self - sufficiency in clean, reliable and affordable renewable energy. It is leading Australia's transition to a low - emissions economy, with the state setting a target to double i ts renewable energy generation to 200 per cent of current needs by 2040. Rob Pennicott from Pennicott Wilderness Journeys and Chair of the …
( Image Source ) EXCLUSIVE ECO: THE ISLANDS WITH THEIR OWN SPECIES - Life first appeared on Earth over four and a half billion years ago. Starting out extremely basic, lacking a lot of the traits people would associate with animals, it’s taken a very long time for life to evolve into what is around today. During that time, certain pockets of the world have been isolated from everything else. This has led to a range of unique and interesting creatures, but they can only be found in certain places. To help you to find some of these animals…
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