MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN UNTUK HIDUP YANG LEBIH BAIK, LEBIH SEHAT & LEBIH BAHAGIA - Kalian pernah gak sih mengalami sakit? Terus apa cara kalian untuk tetap sehat dan terhindar dari yang namanya sakit? Jika mendengar pertanyaan itu, saya yakin kalau itu bukanlah tema yang menarik untuk dibahas, hampir semua orang pernah merasakan sakit, sakit ringan atau berat, kita semua tahu bahwa sehat itu mahal harganya, dan sakit itu gak enak, gak peduli sakit hati atau sakit gigi, keduanya sama-sama gak enak, apalagi kalau yang sakit dompet, bisa pu…
DELUXSHIONIST SPRING/SUMMER 2017 SHOPPING GIVEAWAY - New seasons means you need a new item to fill up your closet and add some new vibes into your sense of style and fashion. It can be a new Men's Shoes or even sale item like 50% Off Mens or anything you want on the website. So many brands you can choose from Marc Jacobs, Kenzo, Michael Kors, Want Les Essentiels de la vie, Miansai, Etudes Studio and all the cool stuff you can choose So is partnering with Nakturnal to host a giveaway for Deluxshionist's readers…
DELUXSHIONIST INSTAGRAM GIVEAWAY - Hal yang paling fundamental dan penting untuk ikut Giveaway ini adalah; 1. Follow Instagram: @HerdianaHS 2. Regram salah satu dari gambar ini atau gambar yang berhubungan sama jawaban kamu dengan hashtag #DeluxshionistGiveaway (Link gambar ada di bio @HerdianaHS) 3. Tag paling sedikit 3 temen kamu 4. Jawab pertanyaan ini: "Tempat apa yang paling ingin kamu kunjungi? dan kenapa?" 5. Bebas submit berapa kali pun 6. Copy paste semua kata-kata di post ini Jawaban: "Gw i…
ADRENALINE RUSH DREAM TRAVEL - Kepikiran buat ngerencanain liburan untuk akhir tahun gak? Aku sih ada rencana akhir bulan ini, tapi belum juga berangkat udah ingin rencanain liburan berikutnya haha gak ngerti lagi, tapi kira-kira bagusnya apa ya? Road Trip sepertinya seru… Sebenernya udah lama banget ingin traveling ala road trip , tapi karena kesibukan kerja dan susah juga ngatur jadwal dan ngatur budget juga sih sebenernya, jadi rencana tersebut masih harus ada di bucket list dan entah kapan akan jadi kenyataan . Rutenya gak…
#CASTMEMARC - ATTENTION LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN, I am going to join this lol... Follow my IG
WOULD YOU HELP ME WIN? - or even you might be will exchange blogging life with mine? This is my opportunity (of course yours too) to see the way world in a different way. BBE ( Big Blog Exchange ) organisation looking for 16 bloggers around the world to exchange their life and share their travel experiences, but first of all you need to be top 25 bloggers from your region. How? you may vote for me ya please :) 1. Visit my unique BBE Link here >>> http://www. 268002 2. Click VOTE then type your…
HAHAHAH so I made this video to announced the winners of my latest Giveaway . This is my very first Video Blog, sooooooooooooooooo I am so sorry for the volume, the quality etcetc because I still not good for making a video, but well congratulation for the winners and I hope you enjoy the prizes. What you need to do now is sending me email to [email protected] , give me your postal address and your mobile phone, ok I wait for your email then. Once again thank you all and congrats!!! =================================================…
THE AMYRIS & THOMAS SABO GIVEAWAY - After the review of Amyris in a post below ( read the review ) and here they are that I promised you earlier, a blog GIVEAWAY!!! The prizes are one Maison Francis Kurkdjian Paris AMYRIS pour femme worth to 2 million IDR or US$ 185 at Neiman Marcus , so this is might be for women, but if you are d'homme you also can join, maybe it is for your girlfriend or for yourself, it is no problem at all and I have one Thomas Sabo Necklace from their new collection "Sweet Diamond", it is a cut…
GET AWAY IN STYLE by Mr. PORTER - Absolutely a good news for everyone, there is nothing more excited when you are already fatigue on your routines, do a blogpost of wishlist this whislist that all the time without a real action ;P, oh damn i did that and urgently need to a luxury escape, THIS IS MORE THAN GOOD. 4 Nights in a hotel, $5000 for updating your style, only HERE
SHOW YOUR COLOR BY BECAUSE IT'S ME - Let’s talk about how do we express ourselves. I would say that my way of expressing myself is by singing, reading and even play styling, styling myself…or maybe lying low on my couch watching DVD? Ok, that’s like totally the opposite but one needs to have a lazy weekend once in a while, right? Other than that, I also love fashion so much as I can experiment and let my personality shines through my clothes. It never fails to make me happy. Same thing with blogging where I can write just about an…
Just quick post for announce the winner of Clarins Joli Brilliant Giveaway. Full day meeting today, and a week ahead, i am so sorry. So based on result, congratulations to @nicetobeoki, who deserved one beautiful lipstick from Clarins - Joli Brilliant Giveaway. Thank you so much for those who support this little giveaway, this post hitting more than 2000 hits in holy one week although the contestant is below the number, i wish i can make another and bigger giveaway for you my readers, thanks for sharing via twitter and of course t…
Ahhhhaaaaa this is so funny, when I'm not talking about fashion then I am turning into travel blogger and now making giveaway with the beauty product, I am so versatile. No I'm kidding, so thanks for Clarins beauty center who gave me a gift, but untill now I have not comitted to use lipstick although i love the title of Joli Rouge Briliant but i will do a face treatment. In the name of sharing happiness with my female readers. So here it is #DeluxshionistBeautyGiveaway - Clarins Joli Rouge Briliant lipstick (Range US$25 - 40). …
GIRLS, you wanna be on TOP? Please be The Asia's Next Top Model The search is on for aspiring models to compete for the title of Asia's Next Top Model and win a grand prize that includes a coveted contract with a top modeling agency. The series exposes the transformation of everyday young women into potentially fierce supermodels, as they face weekly tests that determine who can make the cut. With mentoring by a panel of high-profile fashion-industry gurus, the finalists will compete in an accelerated modeling bootcamp, a …
Once again don't lie, i know that you all such a freebies bitches hahaha, ok dont be angry because a good news already hereeeeee my fellow bloggers. There is a blog competition held by Lomonesia and you will get a chance to win the latest La Sardina Pattern Edition camera. Whooootttt? yes pattern, but the coolest thing is an instant lomoish photos :), so if you were obsessed by good photographs, spread lomoloves. Looking for more details click HERE PS: Z4PTZPN4AFV3 Technorati
They are Men's Folio MOS for May-June 2011 edition and they are getting stylish. One showed simply chic, one showed you how to handle metal stud attack and the rest showed you what you can do with your mainstream black and white. Click HERE for previous MOS on Men's Folio Oh ya, MF newest issue is hitting bookstore, what will you get? A LOT, from how to make Dior Homme suit, nowadays trends : Open Toe Sandals, Floral Parfumes and more more more. Grab the copy ;D
Here they are, Men's Folio - Men on the Street : Cycle 2, and got next three already. hehehe i will show you soon. But our doors always open for submission, there is will be a Cycle 4, and the choosen one is might be you. Check this link for MOS : Cycle 1 ---> Hanya untuk yang berdomisili di Indonesia, Good Luck ;)
Well, how should I start? LOL, see the news about AFX fashion blogger competition this MORNING and i've got myself like this ----> :D :D :D ME aka Major Exciting, although there are many Indonesian bloggers are more popular than me, there is no harm in trying and dreaming. In office hours and this AFX is all I'm thinking off, but TGIF *thanks GOD is Friday* and i have my work done after i have my lunch, well done? ask my manager about that, hahahaha, OK ENOUGH about me, let's start what should and i will gonna do now!!! …
Shop shop to shop... some people choose online shoping because they do not have much time. But im sure you have time for this one. SSENSE offering you some fashion excitement, so what would you do with $10000??? check in HERE . This may be all that would i choose, but its seems more than the limit, and because of it, if i win i have to give it up some, let the other have it. Dont take it seriously, pretend that you get a free f*ckin $10k, it will be fun for you to pick some ;D and good luck
You have 5 words for Men's Folio??? Just simply RT, Follow and Mention @MensFolio_ID to get a LACOSTE parfume ;D... the winner will be announced today at 7 PM... Hurry UP... also get the latest upadates and another offer from Men's Folio Indonesia...
MEN ON THE STREET RIKO, 25 DIESEL Topi bahan katun warna hitam DIY* Setelan bahan katun warna hitam PULL & BEAR Atasan bahan katun motif garis BET Skinny jeans warna hitam TREMP Sepatu bahan kulit warna hitam ESPRIT Tas bahan kanvas warna hitam CAVIN, 21 GAP Kardigan bahan katun motif garis, sepatu slip-on bahan kanvas TOPMAN Atasan low crew neck bahan katun warna hitam FOREVER 21 Skinny jeans ZARA Belt bahan kulit MUJI Tas tote bahan Kanvas ADIT…
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