TRIP TO YOGYAKARTA WITH SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 EDGE Part II - The next morning I felt like not going anywhere because I still freaking sick but I managed to get myself two scopes of gelato, so yes I got myself a Tempo Gelato in Prawirotaman Street and wished to kill influenza and choose to stay at the hotel for the rest of the night because I have something to do with all work emails.
I stayed at one of the most hype boutique hotels in Yogyakarta; The Greenhost Hotel in the Jalan Prawirotaman area, the concept mixing contemporary modern art with a “green” lifestyle as you can see the hydroponic plants all over the area, also at the rooftop. I got some pictures that I have taken by Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, the light environment was more yellowish and they used neon lighting (I believed is an act of energy saving). In my opinion, the shot was good, I even feel don’t need a filter at all because I just love it as it is.
Tempo Gelato (S7 Edge Auto Mode, F 1.7, Speed 1/100, ISO-64 with Vsco Filter)
Greenhost Hotel (S7 Edge Auto Mode, F 1.7, Speed 1/10, ISO-640, No Flash)
Greenhost Hotel Yogyakarta at Prawirotaman
The last day in Yogyakarta, and honestly don’t know where to go, so I got the mainstream idea just to kill the time before catching the train back to Bandung at 9 PM, Parangtritis Beach. I know there are so many beaches on the south coast of Yogyakarta, especially in Gunung Kidul, but after checking out from the hotel I only had a limited time, so I choose Parangtritis instead.
But lucky me, The time I arrived there was a procession of Labuhan Jeladri, an annual ceremony held by the public or Royalty to remember the first meeting between the founder of Mataram Islam Kingdom, Panembahan Senopati and The Queen of South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. It was very mystical, cultural, and so many people there.
I went back to the city of Yogyakarta and had a good time at Honje Restaurant near Tugu Yogyakarta, I snap one two pictures of me with Tugu Yogyakarta as a background of course with Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, and the monument (Tugu) details are perfectly captured as you can see in this picture.
Honje Restaurant is a beautiful restaurant located on the 2nd floor when the building is like an Old Dutch building with local and Western menu selections. On the 1st floor, you can find Dowa Bag which is the same owner as Honje Restaurant sells a crochet-style fabric that is also used for a cushion in Honje Restaurant too, a very colorful collection.
Tugu Yogyakarta Taken From Honje Restaurant – Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Auto Mode F 1.7, Speed 1/10, ISO 320, No Flash
Honje Restaurant – Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Auto Mode F 1.7, Speed 1/11, ISO-250, No Flash
Overall having Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge for this trip made me easy to capture moments day and night, moreover, if the rainfall or exposure to water spilled, because the Smartphone is also designed to be water and dust resistant, also it means that you did not need to worry, although you need to use it responsibly and not too abusive haha :p.
To see all the pic in my Instagram feed taken by Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and most of them are no filter pictures, I feel can’t wait to explore because Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge brings my photo experience to the Next Level #NextLevelS7 more places and shot the photo with Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, soon I hope so ;)