STORY FROM PECHA KUCHA NIGHT - I can say that it was my longest public speaking so far, I was very nervous, so if you re-hearing my presentation, apparently you will realize that I was pretty nervous that night. It was a good experience to hear the story from the other side of fashion industry especially that happening here in Jakarta, Indonesia, met a new friends, sharing things that we have been doing for years, so people will get a better understanding about speakers experiences and of course my/our blogging activities that not only pos…
PECHA KUCHA JKT VOL.20 FASHION NATION - It's not secret anymore that I will be one of the speakers on Pecha Kucha Night Vol.20 Fashion Nation next Friday. Got notice in a short time, I wish I did good with the slides and I hope I can deliver my message through those slides I made last minutes. I made the slides all day or two, but the format of Pecha Kucha is 20 seconds each slide, so I just got 6 minutes 40 seconds in total, so ya I wish it's not too short. I heard about Pecha Kucha long time ago, probably before Jakarta because…
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