LOCAL BRAND: ZEVIN BOAT BILL SHOES - Since I am spending holiday at home and no idea where to go on New Year’s Eve besides with my family, there is a box of happiness that just arrived this month, the box of Zevin Boat Bill Shoes ;) It was kind of surprising me when I received the box because I thought it would be another wooden box of Zevin shoes instead of matching maroon box, which I think it was a very nice and awesome, design always matters for me, and totally love it, now I am curious if I request another shoe color like navy, …
Backpack - ASOS Black | Shirt - Mazuki | Sunglasses - H&M | Scarf as Saroong - Hermes BUY A BACKPACK - From my recent trip to the Island of Gods - Bali, I learned something poetic about the place I've been visited, first time after so many times went to Bali and didn't involved party and club (well I was checking in at Rock Bar, but nothing serious haha) in it and it was so blessed and I am so grateful, please stay visit my blog to read full story, now let's have a light small talk about backpack. I would love to…
INDONESIAN LOCAL BRAND - MAZUKI - What's ILB? ILB are stand for Indonesian Local Brand, so here it is Mazuki.Co "Mazuki is a ready-to-wear label based in Jakarta, Indonesia f ounded in 2015. Mazuki aspires to cultivate an appreciation of details in a world of superfluous aesthetics. With an appreciation of asymmetric lines, architecture and geometry, Mazuki is able to create a variety of quality garments that are versatile for everyday wear." At least that's what written in "About Us" colomn on their websi…
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