CHECK-IN AT THE ANVAYA BEACH RESORT BALI - The next stop is Kuta, the well-known area not only because the area is fast is the closest to Ngurah Rai International Airport, but also because so many attractions here from bar, waterpark, beach, and shopping mall, local market, in other words, unlike the other area in Bali, Kuta is always giving you Bali life that all about the party, drinks, full energy, and international even local crowds loves to spent their day here because you can find anything here in Kuta. I was trying to look for hidden gems in Kuta, I mean something more elegance, and luxurious, but it was kinda hard because I think Kuta is always packed, and too mainstream, but then there's The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali, something that I am not expected here's in Kuta (or South Kuta/Tuban to be exact), it's definitely not a hidden gem, but the brightest gem in the area because everything is so polished compared any other accommodation the area, yes because it's 1 year new, yes because they're improved everything and I loved it.
The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali gives Kuta a new face to me, because it's fun, and diverse, while you still can feel relaxed, and friendliness for young travelers, and the most important part is with an affordable rate, this Hotel is my ultimate Kuta recommendation because all of it. The hotel complex is huge, especially if you find a hotel for your business group, but take them aside, as I said, I saw some groups of friends and couples too that even the hotel full of corporate people that mix work and holiday, you can still feeling the relax and me-time by the pool. As I checked in at Premier Lagoon Access which provides you with a lagoon that you can use during your stay, or have your sun bed and take your drink while you do nothing and enjoy your time.
As I can say that The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali could be your next stay choice, this 5 stars hotel will spoil you also with its 2 main restaurants (I will also review it in a different post), Kunyit Restaurant located in front of the hotel which provides local and Balinese food and Sands Restaurant that located near the beach part of the hotel that opens for breakfast, lunch and dinner, a perfect spot to spend the night with your friend, family or friend because of the quiet ambiance, sip a glass or two of wine for the night would be a perfect combination!
The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali is also about relaxing at the pool, say no more because as you can see from my experience, the pool is something you need to experience since the hotel has so many types of rooms, from Deluxe type to Beachfront Private Suite to their Luxury Villa. So many pools you can try, it was a fun stay in The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali, especially the ambiance in this hotel. I and my friend agree that this hotel is so lovely compared with the other Kuta hotels that tend to be overcrowded and random, this is the place you can experience the modern luxury in Kuta, Period! I hope they always can keep the quality and always improve for a better experience in the near future, see you again next time at The Anvaya Beach Resort Bali.
Hotel ini lagi hits banget kayaknya ya 😍
ReplyDeleteGood review!
Karena di Kuta gak banyak hotel baru, apalagi bintang 5, dibandingkan hotel2 random di kuta, The Anvaya ini bagusss banget, masuknya Kuta Selatan /Tuban sih, mungkin karena baru setahun juga dengan harga Kuta tapi feelnya gak kaya di Kuta, masih asik buat me time dan relax, terutama relax di pinggir kolam udah paling bener :)
Eh.. Dibales! Makasih dan salam kenal yaa 😊
DeleteSaya follower blog kamu. Suka deh banget baca reviewnya, ditambah foto2nya yang keren banget.
Suksesss ya!
kira2 bajet brp ya? pingin ngajak anak dan suami ke ANVAYA... look interesting
ReplyDeleteHi macem2 sih tergantung seasons, kalau lagi murah bisa dapet 1,5-1,8 juta per malem untuk yang Deluxe Room.
DeleteUntuk daerah kuta dekat Bandara, hotel ini cukup besar dan baru, pantainya juga bersih dibanding Kuta yang deket dengan mall Beachwalk (karena terlalu banyak orang), suasananya juga masih tenang dan nyaman