5 REASONS TO VISIT CENTRAL JAVA - Although I know that I do not need any reasons to visit more and more, maybe you need a little glimpse of why it would be nice to be back to Visit Central Java
It's been 3 years since the last time I visit Magelang to attend Vesak Night in Borobudur Temple, even though I still can feel the experiences in detail inside my heart although I was only there for 3-nights it was an unforgettable journey. I arrived at the airport at 7 am, ride a cab to my friend's hotel, had mie aceh and teh tarik for breakfast (yes haha), sat in the back of the rental car to Magelang, crowded Borobudur Temple in the daylight, I even remember our conversation about how we should dealing with 'pengamen' (street music) in another city during our high tea season in the afternoon, the rain was falling even when the ceremony started for a couple hours, but I was impressed with everything, the serenity back sound of Vesak that became my meditation's favorite since then, the next day I got a call phone from Amajiwo PR to experience their luxury resort, then I decided to get some mainstream souvenirs because I know after Amanjiwo I have no time to come back looking for a gift because of the scheduled flight. But deep down I know, Central Java is more than that, and I want to explore them more.
I listed Central Java as my South East Asia Travel Wishlist in 2015 and here I will write more details about how I LOVE to come back to Visit Central Java
1. Rich Culture & Heritage
In old Nusantara before Indonesia, there were so many ancient kingdoms in the archipelago. Majapahit is one of the well-known kingdoms. The long history shortens, but you still can be a living witness to see how great the Nusantara were in ancient times. From Batik in Pekalongan to traditional royalty dance in Keraton Surakarta Solo, to myth and legend, from old scriptures and temples to modern contemporary art. Central Java as a whole is a symbol of classic Javanese elegance heritage and pretty successfully protecting it for us, the learner. Moreover the evidence of acculturation with Chinese cultures outspread through trading activities in the good old times in Semarang.
Javanese Traditional Dance (via Chic-id)
2. Historical Enchantment
We called them Candi or temples, they are also outspread all over Central Java, regions of Magelang, Klaten, Banjarnegara & Karangayar in particular. Influenced by Hindu & Buddha culture, you can name started with the biggest Buddhist temple of Borobudur, The story of Roro Jongrang of Hindu Temple, Prambanan, Candi Sukuh & Candi Dieng with its hidden secrets and history. Will it be revealed soon?
Candi Sukuh at Karanganyar, Central Java (Via Ullen Sentalu)
3. Traditional Culinary Experience
It's actually outspread throughout Indonesia, it's our famous heritage of Warung Tegal, the traditional Indonesian cuisine you will find every 50 meters in a big city like Jakarta. But let's go talk about Semarang when the Chinese influenced the culinary tradition, I will tell you that they are definitely must eat when you visit this province and become my guilty pleasure because their taste is beyond so good. Lumpia, Bandeng Presto, Tahu Pong, Tahu Gimbal and so many kind manifestations of Soto or Curry depend on its region, salted duck egg as a side dish? yes absolutely
Semarang's Tahu Gimbal (Via Swikee Gloris)
4. Extravagant Natural Beauty
The famous Taman Nasional Karimun Jawa, one of our National Parks, features under the sea fauna and corals with white sand and crystal clear water, 45 nautical miles away from the nearest city of Jepara, Karimun Jawa also well-known as the spot where you can bravely swim with (baby) sharks. The mountainside, near Wonosobo, laying there is Dieng Plateau features a breathtaking view of the indisputable beauty of Telaga Warna & Ijen crater; the best place for everyone who is into chasing morning fog and catching the sunlight.
Telaga Warna - Dieng Plateau at Wonosobo, Central Java (Via Kaskus)
5. A Little Luxury Approved
As I mentioned earlier, Amanjiwo Resort. When Art, Culture, History, Nature, and Leisure are mixed into one bowl, there must be a chance for luxury resorts laying there to accommodate high-class profiles. Perfectly located facing the famous Buddhist sanctuary, The Great Borobudur temple, moreover surrounded by mountains and hills, what a place to spend one or two quiet nights. More on Welcome to Amanjiwo.
Amanjiwo Resort, Magelang - Central Java (Via Deluxshionist)
So that's my Top 5 Reasons To Visit Central Java because I love art, culture, history, mystery, eating and walking around to flirt with nature, and closing it with a great stay. How I love my country, even the closest province have so many attractions to offer. So I would love to come back, mind joining me? Wish me luck
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