MORNING MEDITATION - I always worry about what I shared on the internet trough my writing, my words, my behavior. I worried by being misinterpreted all the time when I meet people for the first time. There were so much much much worries that what I have done will bring someone else feel bad or they will do something ridiculous ... But then I realized it must be happened, the good and the bad, it's still a life path, our life's existence in this universe has been designed to support the whole worldly life, so live it.

But of course I want to share goodness, happiness, compassion, moreover after I regularly do my morning routine in simple meditation after shubuh, I want to share kindness and love (this post is a reminder for myself to always enjoy doing this). Depress ego to get closer to my core self, to my spirit to my basic purpose of the creation of me.

Then I thirst of knowledge, I read ancient scriptures, theory of the universe, people's opinions about life, I read quotes, I started to share quotes too in my social media, I started to feel care about others (I mean, just a simple thing like smiling without worry about what they were thought about me smiling to them without any reason, but of course I'm still practicing this)... but so far meditation changed my point of view in almost every aspects, it doesn't mean change my belief, it actually strengthens it instead.

So I am trying to focusing my mind, my heart, my soul, my act, my reaction to unaffected of others' bad temper, encourage my inner peace. Initially I was skeptical, because it was look like you got your time wasted by sitting in the uncomfortable position, chanting mantra, and doing it for hours. Meditation is universal, you can do it too and feel it by yourself. You may have so many questions to ask, like I used to, but I got the basic answer by do it, then I feel the different.

There are so much more to write (but let me do a research first ;p), I would love to hear your experiences of meditation. Share Love, share kindness #TGIF

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  1. ok don't worry boy, don't be afraid of misunderstandings, you write so well!:)

    Patchwork à Porter

    1. hahaha thank you, but I mean, I have been writing so much about fashion and modern lifestyle. I just won't that my writing cause something so bad for people, do stupid things for the sake of lifestyle, because I think it's kinda pathetic

  2. I have been thinking about trying meditation to help alleviate the many worries you mention above - it sounds like you enjoy it!


    1. it's been a while and I am feeling beyond good - Meditation is in every culture, in every civilization, I think we all humans need meditation everyday, deep contemplate and be one

  3. meditasi aja tetep kece ya sama white sunglassnya *misunderstand*

    1. hahaha jangan diliat itunya, baca aja tulisannya ;p
