PULAU HANDEULEUM. STAY FOR A NIGHT - Even though rain was keep coming and snorkeling not as good as we were expected, but one thing I love when we were having our late lunch, very simple food, with lovely real friends, rain is falling hit the ground at Pulau Peucang. After Peucang, we're exploring Tanjung Layar. One and two hours after, then we moved to have our night place to stay during the night.
Like I said, for some reasons, you need to do this often only for your inner peace. A new place, a new people, a new land and water, you will be so grateful ( I am grateful). So the island called Pulau Handeuleum be the next place for us, not to be explored but we're stay here for the rest of the day wait for next day to come. Dinner + supper were served, I was amazed that in fact we're not alone in this island, seems very creepy since we need to passed the dark forest gate, but a group of raindeer greeted us, they smell a free meal lol, but not only deer but there is a lot of monkeys, but I'm sure they are the shy one compared monkeys in Bali.
The sleep was quite good, again missed the sunrise but not with the breakfast, again with the deer, I was thankful for that beautiful and memorable morning at Pulau Handeuleum. I was practicing some attraction with the deer, breakfast with the deer and we were laughing non stop because not everyone can do it, even one of my friend from the group have tried out with some chocolate and still not made it, but I did :). If you think it's disgusting or scary, trust me it's fun lol, I thought the deer has smell as stink as a goat, but surprisingly they were not, even they have a white teeth, love the Bambis.
The sun rose higher in the sky, we found our forest gate is flooding and next plan to do is canoeing over the river and forest, we're expecting to see some Javanese Rhinos, but our guide said it would be impossible because they are on the verge of extinction and I think they have learned to escape from human, since they have instincts and could smell humans from distances so they are likely to avoid, except we have already there for a month, ya they could smell my Bvlgari sport extreme. See me canoeing on my next post ...
Kok aku agak nggak paham ya sekarang sama tampilan blog nya Kak Herdi. hahaha gaptek -___-
ReplyDeleteBtw, nice island, nice trip, nice adventure! pengen kesanaaaa banget :D
hahaha gak pahamnya kenapa? coba kasih tau mungkin bisa jadi masukkan
DeleteIya coba aja kalo ada waktu senggang pas weekend, sama temen2 atau sama keluarga.. almost private, kalo dibandingin sama komodo atau karimun emang gak sebanding, tapi lumayan buat ngerasa udara seger lagi. Selamat mencoba liburan ke UK :))