DELUXSHIONIST UPDATES - Long time no blog, well it because what I am doing in September is just like too packed, no? moreover, my blog looks far from my blog used to be lol, but thank you to make my blog still alive. I know some people might be checking in and there is no new post, yes once again thank you for still visiting.
What happening is I am trying to calling out my focus only for my magazine, but instead of happy I really feel something wrong with this lol. The story behind make me so afraid to do blog while I am working for the magazine, this is so tired even only by over think about something that has not happened. Back when I was working for previous company, my boss eventually found out that Louis Vuitton met me for discussing about something, just discuss about my blog, that's all and what happened after that, everything I do was wrong in his eyes, I was like OMG, what is in your mind??? Do you threatened by me or something?
Well some shit maybe happened in your career, but trust is crucial, no trust no result, rather than feel threatened with small thing and see me as your competitor or Idk what he was thinking, why not to collaborate? I am paid to contribute rather than just follows the order. Moreover you earn so much from the magazine, my blog not even reach 5 millions IDR per month (that time, well it can be right now lol). Talking about career, yes it's almost 3 years working in fashion, also with my blog. Survive in Jakarta for that quite long time, but still worry what my life would be like 5 years later when "30 my age" lol, but somehow I feel so 30 right now.
Then I remember someone said,
"Don't be worry for something mystery" and also with my future, but yes we creates our own future, but nobody know what it will be, isn't it? all I want of course to share my happiness than my worry or everything suck, so wish me luck.
1. Busy working
2. Happy Listening early 2000 songs like The Corrs, Sixpence None the Richer and The Corrs
3. I eat a lot Beston Weston Butter Bagelen
4. I have an Instagram account *lol so late*
5. I need more VACATION
6. I have nothing to wear
7. I hate with minimum payment for Blue Bird order now is 40.000 IDR
8. I depressed with my forehead pimples
9. Obsessed with traveling (But hell this is need more than time & money)
10. I guess everything is just gonna be alright, right?