Shirt - Tea pot / Denim Jacket - Marc Jacobs / Short - DIY / Shoes - SNEC / Sunglasses - Unbranded
This is not white or blue, this is white blue lol whatever. I am so happy that finally my first outfit post in 2013 lol again, blocking the blue and the beige more lol. Today was a longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg day, both happy or unhappy, that's all I can say. There is something irritating me until now, something crazy aimless feeling, my faith distracted hahaha, no seriously, I told some of my friends about this uncertain feeling? What is really happening? and see, now I'm telling this via Blog.
They said I am bored, I need something new in my life (what's that? new partner lol), men's period??? SERIOUSLY Is it true that people really can feel if something bad could be happen to them? Well this is more than that, I feel like 'giving up' something that precisely happened to me back in late 2010, when I decided to work in fashion, it is biennial cycle? biennial period? Well, this is quite scary for me, because it is happening without any reasons.
This feeling absolutely evil, it's killing me inside, I really need the power of moon to beat this now. I want living in passion, in grateful, surrounded by happy people and Prada bag.
Seharusnya berbagi hal yang positif dihadapan publik, tapi mencurahkan hal yang negatif untuk dijadikan pelajaran yang positif? seharusnya sih bisa-bisa saja kan. Beginilah kenegatifan saya yang tiba-tiba jatuh abstrak, sebenarnya jarang terjadi bahkan ketika tidak punya uang pun saya masih bisa tersenyum, tersenyum lalu minta transfer. Tapi rasa ini jauh lebih naas daripada tidak punya uang, lebih memilih mana; tidak punya uang atau tidak punya passion? Kalo saya lebih memilih untuk punya passion lalu menghasilkan uang, dan terlihatlah bahwasanya saya tidak mau kalo tidak punya apa-apa. Uang bisa dicari dan datangnya sudah diatur, kita mungkin tidak tahu detail rencana-Nya, tapi kalo passion? yang ngatur siapa sih sebenernya?
Kalau dibilang jenuh, jenuh kerja terus begitu? Selama ini saya menikmati sekali apa yang saya lakukan, kan ceritanya menjalani hidup yang lebih bermakna, jadi kalo bosan mungkin bosan yang lain sih. Kadang ingin bertanya "Dosa saya apa ya?" oh tentu saja banyak, jadi ya tidak perlu ditanya juga. Jadi istilahnya mungkin 'What Goes Around Comes Back Around' ya? Kau yang menanam kau pula yang menuai? yang makan siapa?. Entah gara-gara dosa atau memang mungkin banyak maunya, dan gabungan keduanya malah justru membuat kekacauan internal, ini semua mesti diakhiri, walau masih belum tau juga pun caranya ya.
Diakhiri dengan Alhamdulillah? Ya sudah seharusnya... seterusnya...
super chic! love the blue hue much
Great blog and nice post! I will be here more often, Im' ur new follower!
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super cool !! i love your denim jacket with the glasess . cool !!
You look great! I think as young 20 somethings, we're constantly searching for our place in this world, and although we are young, we still have high expectations of where we want to be by this age, or have this position here, or be doing that, etc.... As long as your continuing to work towards a goal, just let life happen. Easier said than done, but there will be patches of uncertainty, frustration, unhappiness... But you'll get over those rough patches, so just ride the wave! You'll be fine!
The Kris Bliss
I like your shirt.