THANKS 2014 & SEE YOU 2015

THANKS 2014 & SEE YOU 2015 - The first question is "How was your 2014?" was it the best year yet?

I spent my year mostly to thanked God for what I have had experienced, the good and the bad. I really want to write, read, listen and act more in any aspects of life. I want to travel to see what other's life going on, I want to know what people think about their spiritual experiences so that I am one step closer to became a better human being. I want job that usefully not only for me but for everyone else. Yes this is like any other "New Year, New Me" blog post that sounds cliche years over years.

But I always feel that celebration gives a positive energy that work for something like wish and pray, and more over billions of people celebrate it and wish for the same good, can you imagine what kind of energy that pulled out in condition like that? So I wish and pray for us, to be the best of us, to contribute more to universe as one, pray good and act good.

I would love to thanks 2014 and Enjoy the ride of 2015.  

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  1. happy new year kak Herdi! cheers to more awesome things to come in 2015!

    Pudding Monster
